- Wields a needle-like stinger to inject viral DNA into its hosts.
- DNA reprograms victim’s genetic structure, turning it into a zombie-like slave.
- Host eventually ruptures, releasing a new breed of virus offspring that will spread the infection further.

Viron Profile
Viron is the second half of the Z-Kron Microbe (the other being Raze). Initially a member of Raze’s viral legion, he soon rebels, creating his own separate faction bent on domination of the BIOCOSMOS.
Like Raze, Viron takes sadistic pleasure in their destruction; unlike Raze, he prefers a more subtle approach. Viron and his forces lurk in the shadows and use their needle-like FANGS to inject viral DNA into their living victims. Once infected, the hapless BIOWARRIORS become unwitting incubators for more viruses, which burst free sometime later to further spread the contagion.
Viron is a schemer who believes his superiority is natural, the result of billions of years of evolution. He wants to rule the BIOCOSMOS himself, but knows he can’t defeat both Raze and the Immune System’s defenders simultaneously. His plan is to quietly build his own forces while Raze and Blastor battle it out. When the time is right he will strike, wiping out his enemies and seizing control for himself.