- Possess the ability to analyze and isolate the origin of an infection.
- Strategize battle plans and coordinate BIOWARRIORS assault on pathogens.
- Store data about previously encountered infections for future battles.

Gamma-9 Profile
Gamma-9 is a T-Cell who, along with his partner Alpha-1, provides crucial intelligence to the BIOWARRIORS in their never-ending battle to protect the BIOCOSMOS from alien life forms. Gifted with a wide array of analytical skills, he and Alpha-1 study the genetic remains of defeated invaders to forge the perfect strategy to defeat the larger threat.
Based in Lymph Outpost 1818, one of the countless nodes scattered across the BIOCOSMOS, Gamma-9 is the perfect complement to his more introspective partner.
Where Alpha-1 is totally wrapped up in constant streams of information and analysis, and is more “by the book,” Gamma-9 tends to be more unorthodox in his approach. He tends to think outside the box, which helps him find solutions to problems that frustrate him. It’s a character trait that may prove invaluable when the BIOWARRIORS are confronted by the extraordinary menace known as the Z-Kron Microbe (Raze nad Viron).

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