- Genetic scanners allow NKC’s to reveal viruses hiding within any life form, whether friend or foe.
- Once an infection is discovered, the NKC’s unleash powerful cytotoxic blasts which rupture and destroy both the host and the virus hidden within it.

Cytox Profile
He arrives at a battlefield like an avenging angel, gliding over the carnage, scanning the life forms below for signs of viral infection. You’d think his appearance would be heralded with cheers from BIOWARRIOR allies, that his ability to find and annihilate viruses would be met with relief.
Cytox is a Natural Killer Cell, and the same powers that make him a force strong enough to turn the tide of battle make him feared even by allies. The reason is simple — Cytox might have to destroy them, too.
If a BIOWARRIOR is infected with a virus, it’s Cytox’s job to prevent the infection from spreading any further… even if it means terminating a fellow BIOWARRIOR.
Cytox and his fellow Natural Killer Cells are often called “Silent Killers,” because they typically perform their duty without a word. Cytox is even more reserved than most, making him all the more intimidating to friends and foes alike.

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