Council Of The Mind
- Possess the mystifying power to process subconscious thoughts received in the form of energy from The Host’s mind.
- Collectively they strategize and in one voice command actions to Messenger Nerve Cells, who race off to communicate this information to every corner of the BIOCOSMOS.
- They are in touch with the health of the Cosmos and can feel a threat before The Host may be aware of it.

Council Of The Mind Profile
There is a place in the Cosmos where only Messenger Cells are permitted, a place of myth and whispered legends, where dwell eight mystical beings whose nature is beyond the understanding of mere BIOWARRIORS — the Thalamic Chamber. It is there, between the twin pulsing hemispheres of the brain, that the Council of the Mind eternally hovers in a rotating circle.
Nobody knows where they came from, or if they ever die in the manner other cells do. What is known is that they and they alone are privy to “The Will of the Cosmos.”
It is the Council’s role to interpret this constant stream of information and translate it into messages that can be relayed throughout the Universe by Messenger Cells like Sensurian.
They inspire awe. But do they feel it? Do they know fear, or anger, or love? None can say, for even Messenger Cells scarcely dare to do more than glance at them. They are keepers of secrets, and none is greater than what it means to be one of them.

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