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Cosplayer Interview: Lana Marie

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Lana Cosplay 635x955 optimazed

Welcome, comic book fans, to this edition of Biowars’ Cosplayer Interview, where we speak with Lana Marie on rising above the negativity as well as her love for Mortal Kombat.

What got you into cosplaying? Were you influenced by fellow cosplayers or was it through comics/gaming/film?

All the above. I was doing my own costume-themed photoshoots as well as performing (acting/theater) and I made friends with a cosplayer who told me about cosplay. She told me about conventions and asked me how I didn’t already know about this since I’m into video games, comics, anime, etc. After I gave it a try, I just couldn’t turn back. I love challenging my art skills and becoming the character for a day.

What is the one of the most challenging aspects of cosplay that you have seen or faced?

Cosplay gossip; its poison and I avoid it as much as possible. Cosplay is supposed to be fun. I want to enjoy myself and share with others. I wish cosplayers would stop bashing each other – we obviously like the same thing.

Do you copy a character’s costume exactly, or do you prefer to add your own interpretations?

I’ve done both. I like to add small touches, mostly to make it my own. Cosplay is all about your interpretation of the character.

How long does a costume take to make for you? Do you make them from scratch?

It depends on the costume. I’ve had a costume take 3 days, a week, a month. I make all my costumes. I will mix up patterns or draw out my own pattern.

What’s your favorite part about putting on your cosplay?

I get to share with everyone what I made and see it finally completed.

Cosplay can be very expensive. Do you participate in cosplay events or competitions to win money? Or is it more about meeting others and having fun?

I enjoy sharing with others and the challenge to create it. I will occasionally sell some of my crafts to make money to help with costume repairs and more costume supplies.

You have probably had great memories participating in cosplay at numerous conventions. What was one of your fondest and where was it at?

Any time I’m among friends it’s always an adventure and fun. Beyond that, a lot of crazy things happen at conventions like someone requesting you to whip them.

When relaxing at home after a convention, what is your comic or video game of choice to wind down with?

Streets of Rage 2 (very old school haha), Mortal Kombat, or Mario Bros.

Is there anything you learned through your years of cosplay that you wish someone had told you about when you first started?

Ignore the negativity and just keep doing what you’re doing, Do not feel discouraged.

Besides cosplaying, what are some other hobbies you have?

I act, I model, I’m an action movie lover, Batman, gloomy bears, and Mortal Kombat collector, and I also enjoy martial arts.

Is there an unwritten code amongst cosplayers? If so, how would you feel if someone was to break that code?

I don’t know what code that would be, I wish there was a code for stop being so hateful towards fellow cosplayers. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pro or just starting out, if you make or buy,  etc. Just enjoy yourselves! We should all be there for each other and having fun.

When deciding on what cosplay you will be, are there any distinct characteristics about a character that draw you to them or do you follow a specific theme or genre of cosplay?

I would probably cosplay almost every Mortal Kombat character.  I tend to like being villains, yet I love my superheroes. Mostly it has a lot to do with my love for that specific character and if they have a really awesome costume it’s a plus.

Being a cosplayer, you are bound to have fun and unique personalities. Is there anything you would like to share about yours that your fans don’t know?

I’m a goofball that makes funny voices?

Why do you think there are more female cosplayers than males?

Could be for a lot of different reasons. I think we should have more men, they are just as talented and crafty, if not more so. They can be sexy, and a lot of people would love to see it.

Follow Lana Marie and her future cosplay endeavors here:

Lana’s Personal Cosplay Website:
On Facebook:
On Instagram: @LanaMarieLive
On Twitter: @LanaCosplay
On Tumblr: @LanaMarieLive

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