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Biowars Artist in the Spotlight: Goncalo

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We have recently spoken with Biowars artist Lucius, and now we’ve spent time with Goncalo, another one of Biowars’ talented artists. To get an in-depth look into what drives his passion for comic books, we asked him a few questions so that our readers could get a better idea of the creative process here at Biowars. Follow the conversation below to learn more about who makes up our team!

Kate: You’re clearly interested in art, and could have gone in a very different direction as an artist. Why comics?

Goncalo: I actually always try to be as varied as possible when it comes to my art. I’ve worked on a lot of different areas within the industry and right now, comics just feel right. I’ve always had an affection for comics, the visual storytelling always gets me and I think that is the main reason I’m going in this direction.

Kate: What is your favorite comic book character of all time?

Goncalo: Hmm… That’s a tough one. I’d say one of my favorites is actually Hellboy. The duality of the character just says a lot to me, a hell spawn that is both powerful and meant for greatness or disaster that at the heart might be more human than many of us. It just makes for some terrific storytelling.

Kate: Interesting! What are your thoughts on the recent rise in digital comic books?

Goncalo: I think it’s amazing! Don’t get me wrong, I love my paper comics all the same, but where I live, comics are hard to come by and are always late from the release date, so getting the digital versions is a life saver! Also, digital-only comics give new projects a chance to see daylight. I’ve lost track of how many digital-only comics I’ve come to love over the years, so for me, anything that helps the comic industry grow and gets more comics into people’s hands is a win!

Kate: I completely agree. I think the rise in popularity of the comic industry is great. Where do you come up with all these great ideas for Biowars characters and their intricate capabilities?

Goncalo: It’s actually a group exercise; the whole team brainstorms different ideas and contributes something to the work. It’s actually one of my favorite things to bring everyone’s ideas together and execute on them. In the end, I think the ideas come from the team, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Kate:  Would you say the majority of ideas come from brainstorming sessions, or do they sometimes just pop into your head during the creative process?

Goncalo: Like I mentioned before, it’s a little bit of both. It does happen that during the process you think something up, execute on it, and then go over it with the team afterwards. It always comes back to everyone being on the same page though.

Kate: Sounds like you have a tight-knit group of artists, how fun! Anything else we should know about you or what goes on behind the scenes at Biowars?

Goncalo: Well, I do want people to know we are doing our best to make Biowars something they will love and that we are proud of. It is rare to be working on a project that really gets you pumped, so I intent to make the best of it. Hope you guys enjoy our work. Cheers!


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